March 29-30, 2019

A broader discussion on the critical questions facing those who work on the intersection of Christianity and white supremacy and how they could best advance their efforts. 

Conference Information

In September 2018, the Office of Religious Life at Princeton University convened a roundtable of Christian clergy, scholars, and activists to discern together what are the critical questions facing those who work on the intersection of Christianity and white supremacy and how they could best advance their efforts.  It was an important and generative conversation, one that the organizers now want to expand upon with more conversation partners in a broader format. 

Christianity is one of the major supports of white supremacy and simultaneously its biggest challenge.  The malformation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into advocacy for white supremacy is heresy while the power of the Gospel is our greatest hope of vanquishing it.

The goals of this conference are simple:  to strengthen the good work of those in attendance as well as those who cannot be present; to broaden our networks, partnerships and friendships; to hear new ideas and experiences; and to be further empowered to make change.  We invite to this conference people from every experience and background whose work, formally or informally, combats the grip that white supremacy has on the church and on American society in general.  

The conference will not have keynote speakers, as such.  We understand every participant to be both a learner and a teacher.  There will be an opening panel at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 29, entitled The Tradition is a Problem.  On Saturday morning, and again in the early afternoon, there will be a wide variety of roundtables on topics such as Bible and theology, reconciliation and reparations, activism, liturgy and preaching, LGBT rights, immigration, incarceration, storytelling and healing, race traitors, policing, mass media, and the experiences of many American racial/ethnic communities.  Participants will indicate in advance their preference of roundtables and are invited to propose topics to lead.  On Saturday afternoon, the conference will conclude with another panel entitled The Tradition is an Answer.   

There is no registration fee.  All meals during the conference (Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch) will be covered by the organizers.  Attendees are responsible for their own travel and lodging.  Discounted rooms have been placed on hold at a nearby hotel for participants who require overnight accommodations.

Questions may be directed to Rosed Serrano at [email protected].

Conference Agenda

Friday, March 29, 2019

2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Registration (location: Princeton University Chapel)

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.  
Opening Panel: The Tradition is a Problem (location: Princeton University Chapel)  Livestreamed 

6:30 p.m.  - 8:30 p.m.         
Dinner (location: Frick Chemistry Laboratory, Atrium)

Saturday, March 30, 2019

 7:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.      
Registration  (location: Chancellor Green, Entrance)

 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.      
Breakfast (location: Chancellor Green, Cafe)

10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.     
Morning Roundtable Discussions (location: East Pyne, classrooms)

11:30 a.m. -   1:00 p.m.      
Lunch (location: Chancellor Green, Cafe)

1:00 p.m.  -   2:30 p.m.     
Afternoon Roundtable Discussions (location: East Pyne, classrooms)

3:00 p.m.  -   5:00 p.m.     
Closing Panel: The Tradition is an Answer (location: McCosh 50)   Livestreamed