Here on campus, the leaves are turning a bright Princeton orange, which can
only mean one thing: ‘tis autumn! And what better way to enjoy the changing of the
seasons than with a cozy cup of coffee? With National Coffee Day (Sep. 29th) and
International Coffee Day (Oct. 1st) falling into the same week this year, the Office of
Religious Life decided to host a week-long celebration centered around the drink that
keeps Princeton going.
For the first event, on September 30th, students gathered in a queue that snaked
throughout the brightly-painted chairs and tables of Murray-Dodge Café in hopes of
acquiring a limited edition TigerTale pin. This new pin was designed to look like the
chalkboard that sits on the counter in the café, reminding visitors to “Please take 1 or 2”
of the delicious cookies. As per usual with TigerTale pins, they were all claimed in less
than an hour!
The second event, which took place on International Coffee Day, allowed
students to kick back at the café with a free Coffee Club drink of their choice, whether
that be a festive pumpkin spice latte or a plain cup of joe. Meanwhile, Coffee Club’s
Campus Club location offered free cookies.
On October 2nd, Aaron Wenk ‘25 showed off his coffee-roasting skills in a
fascinating demonstration. He explained the process from start to finish and allowed
visitors to take packets of coffee home with them. When asked how he became
interested in coffee roasting, Aaron described it like going “down the rabbit hole”. As an
avid coffee drinker, he decided to buy a coffee roaster over the summer, along with an
array of beans from all over the world, and the rest is history. We are so glad he decided
to share his skills with us!
The last two events on October 3rd and 4th gave students the opportunity to
express their creativity by decorating mugs and coffee tumblers. This was a lovely (and
well-deserved) study break, especially given that midterms were fast approaching!
Although Coffee Week has now come to an end, you should definitely stop by the
Murray-Dodge Café, which is open between noon and midnight everyday, to get free
coffee and cookies!