The Office of Religious Life is the Spiritual Center of Princeton University

When challenging or traumatic events happen -- around the world, on campus, or in our lives – the staff chaplains in the Office of Religious Life are here for members of the Princeton University community. Our daily work is to accompany people in their grief, suffering, and lament. We are confidential counselors. We work with individuals, offices, and groups. We are very happy to be present to you also in times of joy, of course! Please reach out to us.
Worship & Events
Princeton’s Hidden Chaplains
The ORL’s Hidden Chaplains initiative was featured in The New Yorker! Started by Dean Matt Weiner and Kyle Berlin ‘18 five years ago, the Hidden Chaplains program allows students to identify and honor those people on campus whose quiet generosity and care brighten their days.

Full catalog of ORL programs, campus denominational chaplaincies, and student groups.
Calendar of all upcoming ORL services, events, and gatherings.
General ORL policies and funding opportunities for students/student groups.
Individual counseling, discussions in classrooms/public settings, and partnerships with the Deans of Religious Life.
Prayer rooms, gardens, and spaces for reflection.
Religious and ceremonial center of Princeton University.
Reserving event space & event registration.
Calendar of religious holidays for the 2024/2025 academic year.